class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Tools ] .subtitle[ ## Introduction to Data Science (BIOL7800)
] .author[ ### Daijiang Li ] .institute[ ### LSU ] .date[ ### 2023/08/29 ] --- # Tools going to use .font200[ - R - git - bash (terminal) - RStudio - GitHub - Make - TinyTex (generate pdf using Rmarkdown) ] --- # R ( .font200[ - A programming language - First appeared: August 1993; 28 years ago - \> 18,000 packages and counting - Download and Installation ( ] -- # Tour of R --- class: middle, inverse ## If you are using Windows 10, you should [enable and install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows]( You can try to do this after class. --- # Git ( .pull-left[ .font200[ - Version control system - `which git` (Mac, Linux) or `where git` (Windows) - [Download and Installation]( - [Setting up Git]( ] ] .pull-right[  ] --- # RStudio ( .font200[ - Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - Public Benefit Co. - [Download]( and Installation ] -- # Tour of RStudio .font150[ - Check Terminal in RStudio - Check git panel - `Alt + Shift + k` to show all shortcuts - [Cheatsheet]( ] --- # GitHub ( .font200[ - Online platform to share code - Collaborative coding ] --- # Make ( .font200[ - `make --version` to check whether you have it already - [Windows version]( ] --- # LaTex and TinyTex ( ```r # Open RStudio install.packages('tinytex') tinytex::install_tinytex() ``` ### Create an Rmarkdown file and give it a try to generate a PDF file. --- # macOS & linux (optional but highly recommended) ```bash # macOS only xcode-select --install # Installing Homebrew for pkg management /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" ``` ### [Homebrew: The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)]( --- # Useful links .font200[ - [Happy Git and GitHub for the useR]( - [R related Cheatsheets]( - [Software carpentry]( - [Data capentry]( - [Minimal Make tutorial]( ]