In today’s lecture, we are going to talk about getting data from the web with R. Nowadays, the amount of data online increases exponentially everyday. How to get such data and analyze them to gain knowledge is critical. We will briefly talk about the scenarios that we can get data from online. I won’t even try to cover most of the things since this topic can be a whole course by itself. Before we get into the lecture, here are some R books about this topic.

Some Acronyms

Web scrapping

Based on Wikipedia:

Web scraping (web harvesting or web data extraction) is a computer software technique of extracting information from websites.

Web scraping focuses on the transformation of unstructured data on the web, typically in HTML format, into structured data that can be stored and analyzed in a central local database or spreadsheet.

First, let’s take a look at a simple XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE movies>
<movie mins="126" lang="en">
  <!-- this is a comment -->
  <title>Good Will Hunting</title>
    <last_name>Van Sant</last_name>

HTML is an XML dialect:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Your Page Title</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" />
    <h1>A First-level Heading</h1>
    <p>A paragraph.</p>
    <img src="/images/foo.png" alt="A nice image" />
      <li>An item.</li>
      <li>Another item.</li>
      <li>Yet another item.</li>
    <script src="/js/bar.js"></script>


Principles of scraping

  • Identify the tag
  • Download the webpage
  • Extract content matching the tag
  • Save the content
  • Optional: repeat

Some useful R package:

  • Rcurl: low level wrapper for libcurl that provides convenient functions to allow you to fetch URIs, get & post forms; basically, it allows us to use R as a Web Client.
  • httr: similar to Rcurl; provides a user-friendly interface for executing HTTP methods and provides support for modern web authentication protocols (OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0). It is a wrapper around the curl package
  • rvest: a higher level package mostly based on httr. It is simpler to use for basic tasks.
  • Rselenium: can be used to automate interactions and extract page content from dynamically generated webpages (i.e., those requiring user interaction to display results like clicking on button)

An simple example

Task: to extract all titles of the Web Scrapping Wiki page

Open the website with Chrome, right click and select Inspect and see what tags are used for page/section/subsection titles.

Or install the Selectorgadget add-on for Chrome

It seems that we can just extract the table of content and we will get all what we need.

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
wiki = read_html("")

wiki %>% 
  html_elements(css = c("div#toc.toc")) # based on inspect
## {xml_nodeset (1)}
## [1] <div id="toc" class="toc" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="mw-toc-headi ...
wiki %>% 
  html_elements(css = c("#toc")) # based on selectorgadget
## {xml_nodeset (1)}
## [1] <div id="toc" class="toc" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="mw-toc-headi ...
toc = wiki %>% 
  html_elements(css = c("#toc")) %>% 

## [1] "Contents\n1 History\n2 Techniques\n2.1 Human copy-and-paste\n2.2 Text pattern matching\n2.3 HTTP programming\n2.4 HTML parsing\n2.5 DOM parsing\n2.6 Vertical aggregation\n2.7 Semantic annotation recognizing\n2.8 Computer vision web-page analysis\n\n3 Software\n4 Legal issues\n4.1 United States\n4.2 European Union\n4.3 Australia\n4.4 India\n\n5 Methods to prevent web scraping\n6 See also\n7 References\n"

The texts are not in the format that we want, so we need to do some clean using what we learned in previous lecture.

(toc2 <- stringr::str_split(toc, pattern = "\n")[[1]])
##  [1] "Contents"                             
##  [2] "1 History"                            
##  [3] "2 Techniques"                         
##  [4] "2.1 Human copy-and-paste"             
##  [5] "2.2 Text pattern matching"            
##  [6] "2.3 HTTP programming"                 
##  [7] "2.4 HTML parsing"                     
##  [8] "2.5 DOM parsing"                      
##  [9] "2.6 Vertical aggregation"             
## [10] "2.7 Semantic annotation recognizing"  
## [11] "2.8 Computer vision web-page analysis"
## [12] ""                                     
## [13] "3 Software"                           
## [14] "4 Legal issues"                       
## [15] "4.1 United States"                    
## [16] "4.2 European Union"                   
## [17] "4.3 Australia"                        
## [18] "4.4 India"                            
## [19] ""                                     
## [20] "5 Methods to prevent web scraping"    
## [21] "6 See also"                           
## [22] "7 References"                         
## [23] ""
# it seems that we just need those have number(s)
(toc3 <- grep(pattern = "\\d", x = toc2, value = TRUE))
##  [1] "1 History"                            
##  [2] "2 Techniques"                         
##  [3] "2.1 Human copy-and-paste"             
##  [4] "2.2 Text pattern matching"            
##  [5] "2.3 HTTP programming"                 
##  [6] "2.4 HTML parsing"                     
##  [7] "2.5 DOM parsing"                      
##  [8] "2.6 Vertical aggregation"             
##  [9] "2.7 Semantic annotation recognizing"  
## [10] "2.8 Computer vision web-page analysis"
## [11] "3 Software"                           
## [12] "4 Legal issues"                       
## [13] "4.1 United States"                    
## [14] "4.2 European Union"                   
## [15] "4.3 Australia"                        
## [16] "4.4 India"                            
## [17] "5 Methods to prevent web scraping"    
## [18] "6 See also"                           
## [19] "7 References"

Challenge: create a data frame, with the first column to be the numbers in toc3 (i.e, 1, 2, 2.1, etc.) and the second column to be the text without leading space

Revist the Youtube example

library(rvest, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# to set up a server to run javascript
rs = RSelenium::rsDriver(browser = "firefox")
rsc = rs$client
# now get the page source
ht = rsc$getPageSource()
url = rvest::read_html(ht[[1]])
lectures = html_elements(url, css = '#video-title') # show how to get this
lec_names = html_text2(lectures)
lec_links = html_attr(lectures, "href")
lec_links_full = paste0("", lec_links)

# try one link
# does not work
url2 = read_html(lec_links_full[1])
x = html_elements(url2, css = "#info")

# need this
ht2 = rsc$getPageSource()
ok2 <- rvest::read_html(ht2[[1]])
# show how to get this
view = html_elements(ok2, css = ".ytd-video-view-count-renderer")
view_count = html_text(view[1])
as.numeric(gsub(",| views", "", view_count))

# put it as a function
get_view = function(link){
  url2 = rsc$getPageSource()
  url2 <- rvest::read_html(url2[[1]])
  view = html_elements(url2, css = ".ytd-video-view-count-renderer")
  view_count = html_text(view[1])
  view_count = as.integer(gsub(",| views", "", view_count))

# run it
view_counts = data.frame(names = lec_names, views = NA_integer_)
for(i in 1:length(lec_links_full)){
  cat(lec_links_full[i], "\t")
  view_count = get_view(lec_links_full[i])
  # for some reason, sometimes it takes multiple tries
  while(length(view_count) == 0)
    view_count = get_view(lec_links_full[i])
  view_counts$views[i] = view_count

# save results
write.csv(view_counts, "view.csv")
rs$server$stop() # close the server
  • It is slow and inefficient. Notice the while() loop?
  • It is not scalable. For example, if we want to apply the code to another playlist, chances are that the code will not work.
  • It is not sustainable. The code probably won’t work after a couple of years when Youtube changed their website structure.

Application Programming Interfaces (API)

Nowadays many companies, websites, sources, etc. use APIs as their primary means to share information and data. Many large websites like Reddit, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook offer APIs so that data analysts and data scientists can access interesting data.

And having an API to share data has become a standard thing to have. In the context of biological data, many data repositories also have APIs to share data (e.g., figshare, dryad, dataone, GBIF, iNaturalist).

An API is a set of rules, protocols, and tools for building software and applications. It allows programmers to request data directly from a website. When a website like Facebook sets up an API, they are essentially setting up a computer that waits for data requests.

Most APIs don’t allow you to send too many requests at once (i.e. asynchronous requests). The main reason to limit the number of requests is to prevent users from overloading the API servers.

We will need to write code in R that creates the request and tells the computer running the API what we need. That computer will then read our code, process the request, and return nicely-formatted data that can be easily parsed by existing R libraries.

APIs have some key verbs:

http Method Description
GET retrieves whatever information is identified by the Request-URI
POST request with data enclosed in the request body
HEAD identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-body in the response
PUT requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI
DELETE requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI
TRACE invokes a remote, application-layer loop-back of the request message
CONNECT for use with a proxy that can dynamically switch to being a tunnel

There are several types of Web service APIs (e.g. XML-RPC, JSON-RPC and SOAP) but the most popular is Representational State Transfer or REST. RESTful APIs can return output as XML, JSON, CSV and several other data formats. Each API has documentation and specifications which determine how data can be transferred.

R has a few HTTP client packages: “crul”, “curl”, “httr”, and “RCurl”;

A simple example:

dj <- httr::GET('')
djInfo <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(dj, "text"), simplifyVector = T)
## $login
## [1] "daijiang"
## $id
## [1] 1696911
## $node_id
## [1] "MDQ6VXNlcjE2OTY5MTE="
## $avatar_url
## [1] ""
## $gravatar_id
## [1] ""
## $url
## [1] ""
## $html_url
## [1] ""
## $followers_url
## [1] ""
## $following_url
## [1] "{/other_user}"
## $gists_url
## [1] "{/gist_id}"
## $starred_url
## [1] "{/owner}{/repo}"
## $subscriptions_url
## [1] ""
## $organizations_url
## [1] ""
## $repos_url
## [1] ""
## $events_url
## [1] "{/privacy}"
## $received_events_url
## [1] ""
## $type
## [1] "User"
## $site_admin
## [1] FALSE
## $name
## [1] "Daijiang Li"
## $company
## $blog
## [1] ""
## $location
## [1] "Baton Rouge, LA"
## $email
## $hireable
## [1] TRUE
## $bio
## $twitter_username
## $public_repos
## [1] 81
## $public_gists
## [1] 7
## $followers
## [1] 119
## $following
## [1] 22
## $created_at
## [1] "2012-05-01T22:20:20Z"
## $updated_at
## [1] "2022-09-25T19:36:20Z"



gbif_country <- httr::GET('')
jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(gbif_country, "text"))
## No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
##     iso2 iso3 isoNumerical                                                title
## 1     AF  AFG            4                                          Afghanistan
## 2     AX  ALA          248                                        Åland Islands
## 3     AL  ALB            8                                              Albania
## 4     DZ  DZA           12                                              Algeria
## 5     AS  ASM           16                                       American Samoa
## 6     AD  AND           20                                              Andorra
## 7     AO  AGO           24                                               Angola
## 8     AI  AIA          660                                             Anguilla
## 9     AQ  ATA           10                                           Antarctica
## 10    AG  ATG           28                                  Antigua and Barbuda
## 11    AR  ARG           32                                            Argentina
## 12    AM  ARM           51                                              Armenia
## 13    AW  ABW          533                                                Aruba
## 14    AU  AUS           36                                            Australia
## 15    AT  AUT           40                                              Austria
## 16    AZ  AZE           31                                           Azerbaijan
## 17    BS  BHS           44                                              Bahamas
## 18    BH  BHR           48                                              Bahrain
## 19    BD  BGD           50                                           Bangladesh
## 20    BB  BRB           52                                             Barbados
## 21    BY  BLR          112                                              Belarus
## 22    BE  BEL           56                                              Belgium
## 23    BZ  BLZ           84                                               Belize
## 24    BJ  BEN          204                                                Benin
## 25    BM  BMU           60                                              Bermuda
## 26    BT  BTN           64                                               Bhutan
## 27    BO  BOL           68                     Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
## 28    BQ  BES          535                     Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
## 29    BA  BIH           70                               Bosnia and Herzegovina
## 30    BW  BWA           72                                             Botswana
## 31    BV  BVT           74                                        Bouvet Island
## 32    BR  BRA           76                                               Brazil
## 33    IO  IOT           86                       British Indian Ocean Territory
## 34    BN  BRN           96                                    Brunei Darussalam
## 35    BG  BGR          100                                             Bulgaria
## 36    BF  BFA          854                                         Burkina Faso
## 37    BI  BDI          108                                              Burundi
## 38    KH  KHM          116                                             Cambodia
## 39    CM  CMR          120                                             Cameroon
## 40    CA  CAN          124                                               Canada
## 41    CV  CPV          132                                           Cabo Verde
## 42    KY  CYM          136                                       Cayman Islands
## 43    CF  CAF          140                             Central African Republic
## 44    TD  TCD          148                                                 Chad
## 45    CL  CHL          152                                                Chile
## 46    CN  CHN          156                                                China
## 47    CX  CXR          162                                     Christmas Island
## 48    CC  CCK          166                              Cocos (Keeling) Islands
## 49    CO  COL          170                                             Colombia
## 50    KM  COM          174                                              Comoros
## 51    CD  COD          180                    Congo, Democratic Republic of the
## 52    CG  COG          178                                                Congo
## 53    CK  COK          184                                         Cook Islands
## 54    CR  CRI          188                                           Costa Rica
## 55    CI  CIV          384                                        Côte d’Ivoire
## 56    HR  HRV          191                                              Croatia
## 57    CU  CUB          192                                                 Cuba
## 58    CW  CUW          531                                              Curaçao
## 59    CY  CYP          196                                               Cyprus
## 60    CZ  CZE          203                                              Czechia
## 61    DK  DNK          208                                              Denmark
## 62    DJ  DJI          262                                             Djibouti
## 63    DM  DMA          212                                             Dominica
## 64    DO  DOM          214                                   Dominican Republic
## 65    EC  ECU          218                                              Ecuador
## 66    EG  EGY          818                                                Egypt
## 67    SV  SLV          222                                          El Salvador
## 68    GQ  GNQ          226                                    Equatorial Guinea
## 69    ER  ERI          232                                              Eritrea
## 70    EE  EST          233                                              Estonia
## 71    ET  ETH          231                                             Ethiopia
## 72    FK  FLK          238                          Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
## 73    FO  FRO          234                                        Faroe Islands
## 74    FJ  FJI          242                                                 Fiji
## 75    FI  FIN          246                                              Finland
## 76    FR  FRA          250                                               France
## 77    GF  GUF          254                                        French Guiana
## 78    PF  PYF          258                                     French Polynesia
## 79    TF  ATF          260                          French Southern Territories
## 80    GA  GAB          266                                                Gabon
## 81    GM  GMB          270                                               Gambia
## 82    GE  GEO          268                                              Georgia
## 83    DE  DEU          276                                              Germany
## 84    GH  GHA          288                                                Ghana
## 85    GI  GIB          292                                            Gibraltar
## 86    GR  GRC          300                                               Greece
## 87    GL  GRL          304                                            Greenland
## 88    GD  GRD          308                                              Grenada
## 89    GP  GLP          312                                           Guadeloupe
## 90    GU  GUM          316                                                 Guam
## 91    GT  GTM          320                                            Guatemala
## 92    GG  GGY          831                                             Guernsey
## 93    GN  GIN          324                                               Guinea
## 94    GW  GNB          624                                        Guinea-Bissau
## 95    GY  GUY          328                                               Guyana
## 96    HT  HTI          332                                                Haiti
## 97    HM  HMD          334                    Heard Island and McDonald Islands
## 98    VA  VAT          336                                             Holy See
## 99    HN  HND          340                                             Honduras
## 100   HK  HKG          344                                            Hong Kong
## 101   HU  HUN          348                                              Hungary
## 102   IS  ISL          352                                              Iceland
## 103   IN  IND          356                                                India
## 104   ID  IDN          360                                            Indonesia
## 105   IR  IRN          364                           Iran (Islamic Republic of)
## 106   IQ  IRQ          368                                                 Iraq
## 107   IE  IRL          372                                              Ireland
## 108   IM  IMN          833                                          Isle of Man
## 109   IL  ISR          376                                               Israel
## 110   IT  ITA          380                                                Italy
## 111   JM  JAM          388                                              Jamaica
## 112   JP  JPN          392                                                Japan
## 113   JE  JEY          832                                               Jersey
## 114   JO  JOR          400                                               Jordan
## 115   KZ  KAZ          398                                           Kazakhstan
## 116   KE  KEN          404                                                Kenya
## 117   KI  KIR          296                                             Kiribati
## 118   KP  PRK          408              Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of)
## 119   KR  KOR          410                                   Korea, Republic of
## 120   KW  KWT          414                                               Kuwait
## 121   KG  KGZ          417                                           Kyrgyzstan
## 122   LA  LAO          418                     Lao People’s Democratic Republic
## 123   LV  LVA          428                                               Latvia
## 124   LB  LBN          422                                              Lebanon
## 125   LS  LSO          426                                              Lesotho
## 126   LR  LBR          430                                              Liberia
## 127   LY  LBY          434                                                Libya
## 128   LI  LIE          438                                        Liechtenstein
## 129   LT  LTU          440                                            Lithuania
## 130   LU  LUX          442                                           Luxembourg
## 131   MO  MAC          446                                                Macao
## 132   MK  MKD          807                                      North Macedonia
## 133   MG  MDG          450                                           Madagascar
## 134   MW  MWI          454                                               Malawi
## 135   MY  MYS          458                                             Malaysia
## 136   MV  MDV          462                                             Maldives
## 137   ML  MLI          466                                                 Mali
## 138   MT  MLT          470                                                Malta
## 139   MH  MHL          584                                     Marshall Islands
## 140   MQ  MTQ          474                                           Martinique
## 141   MR  MRT          478                                           Mauritania
## 142   MU  MUS          480                                            Mauritius
## 143   YT  MYT          175                                              Mayotte
## 144   MX  MEX          484                                               Mexico
## 145   FM  FSM          583                     Micronesia (Federated States of)
## 146   MD  MDA          498                                 Moldova, Republic of
## 147   MC  MCO          492                                               Monaco
## 148   MN  MNG          496                                             Mongolia
## 149   ME  MNE          499                                           Montenegro
## 150   MS  MSR          500                                           Montserrat
## 151   MA  MAR          504                                              Morocco
## 152   MZ  MOZ          508                                           Mozambique
## 153   MM  MMR          104                                              Myanmar
## 154   NA  NAM          516                                              Namibia
## 155   NR  NRU          520                                                Nauru
## 156   NP  NPL          524                                                Nepal
## 157   NL  NLD          528                                          Netherlands
## 158   NC  NCL          540                                        New Caledonia
## 159   NZ  NZL          554                                          New Zealand
## 160   NI  NIC          558                                            Nicaragua
## 161   NE  NER          562                                                Niger
## 162   NG  NGA          566                                              Nigeria
## 163   NU  NIU          570                                                 Niue
## 164   NF  NFK          574                                       Norfolk Island
## 165   MP  MNP          580                             Northern Mariana Islands
## 166   NO  NOR          578                                               Norway
## 167   OM  OMN          512                                                 Oman
## 168   PK  PAK          586                                             Pakistan
## 169   PW  PLW          585                                                Palau
## 170   PS  PSE          275                                  Palestine, State of
## 171   PA  PAN          591                                               Panama
## 172   PG  PNG          598                                     Papua New Guinea
## 173   PY  PRY          600                                             Paraguay
## 174   PE  PER          604                                                 Peru
## 175   PH  PHL          608                                          Philippines
## 176   PN  PCN          612                                             Pitcairn
## 177   PL  POL          616                                               Poland
## 178   PT  PRT          620                                             Portugal
## 179   PR  PRI          630                                          Puerto Rico
## 180   QA  QAT          634                                                Qatar
## 181   RE  REU          638                                              Réunion
## 182   RO  ROU          642                                              Romania
## 183   RU  RUS          643                                   Russian Federation
## 184   RW  RWA          646                                               Rwanda
## 185   BL  BLM          652                                     Saint Barthélemy
## 186   SH  SHN          654         Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
## 187   KN  KNA          659                                Saint Kitts and Nevis
## 188   LC  LCA          662                                          Saint Lucia
## 189   MF  MAF          663                           Saint Martin (French part)
## 190   PM  SPM          666                            Saint Pierre and Miquelon
## 191   VC  VCT          670                     Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
## 192   WS  WSM          882                                                Samoa
## 193   SM  SMR          674                                           San Marino
## 194   ST  STP          678                                Sao Tome and Principe
## 195   SA  SAU          682                                         Saudi Arabia
## 196   SN  SEN          686                                              Senegal
## 197   RS  SRB          688                                               Serbia
## 198   SC  SYC          690                                           Seychelles
## 199   SL  SLE          694                                         Sierra Leone
## 200   SG  SGP          702                                            Singapore
## 201   SX  SXM          534                            Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
## 202   SK  SVK          703                                             Slovakia
## 203   SI  SVN          705                                             Slovenia
## 204   SB  SLB           90                                      Solomon Islands
## 205   SO  SOM          706                                              Somalia
## 206   ZA  ZAF          710                                         South Africa
## 207   GS  SGS          239         South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
## 208   SS  SSD          728                                          South Sudan
## 209   ES  ESP          724                                                Spain
## 210   LK  LKA          144                                            Sri Lanka
## 211   SD  SDN          729                                                Sudan
## 212   SR  SUR          740                                             Suriname
## 213   SJ  SJM          744                               Svalbard and Jan Mayen
## 214   SZ  SWZ          748                                             Eswatini
## 215   SE  SWE          752                                               Sweden
## 216   CH  CHE          756                                          Switzerland
## 217   SY  SYR          760                                 Syrian Arab Republic
## 218   TW  TWN          158                                       Chinese Taipei
## 219   TJ  TJK          762                                           Tajikistan
## 220   TZ  TZA          834                         Tanzania, United Republic of
## 221   TH  THA          764                                             Thailand
## 222   TL  TLS          626                                          Timor-Leste
## 223   TG  TGO          768                                                 Togo
## 224   TK  TKL          772                                              Tokelau
## 225   TO  TON          776                                                Tonga
## 226   TT  TTO          780                                  Trinidad and Tobago
## 227   TN  TUN          788                                              Tunisia
## 228   TR  TUR          792                                              Türkiye
## 229   TM  TKM          795                                         Turkmenistan
## 230   TC  TCA          796                             Turks and Caicos Islands
## 231   TV  TUV          798                                               Tuvalu
## 232   UG  UGA          800                                               Uganda
## 233   UA  UKR          804                                              Ukraine
## 234   AE  ARE          784                                 United Arab Emirates
## 235   GB  GBR          826 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
## 236   US  USA          840                             United States of America
## 237   UM  UMI          581                 United States Minor Outlying Islands
## 238   UY  URY          858                                              Uruguay
## 239   UZ  UZB          860                                           Uzbekistan
## 240   VU  VUT          548                                              Vanuatu
## 241   VE  VEN          862                   Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
## 242   VN  VNM          704                                             Viet Nam
## 243   VG  VGB           92                             Virgin Islands (British)
## 244   VI  VIR          850                                Virgin Islands (U.S.)
## 245   WF  WLF          876                                    Wallis and Futuna
## 246   EH  ESH          732                                       Western Sahara
## 247   YE  YEM          887                                                Yemen
## 248   ZM  ZMB          894                                               Zambia
## 249   ZW  ZWE          716                                             Zimbabwe
##        gbifRegion                                enumName
## 1            ASIA                             AFGHANISTAN
## 2          EUROPE                           ALAND_ISLANDS
## 3          EUROPE                                 ALBANIA
## 4          AFRICA                                 ALGERIA
## 5         OCEANIA                          AMERICAN_SAMOA
## 6          EUROPE                                 ANDORRA
## 7          AFRICA                                  ANGOLA
## 8   LATIN_AMERICA                                ANGUILLA
## 9      ANTARCTICA                              ANTARCTICA
## 10  LATIN_AMERICA                         ANTIGUA_BARBUDA
## 11  LATIN_AMERICA                               ARGENTINA
## 12         EUROPE                                 ARMENIA
## 13  LATIN_AMERICA                                   ARUBA
## 14        OCEANIA                               AUSTRALIA
## 15         EUROPE                                 AUSTRIA
## 16         EUROPE                              AZERBAIJAN
## 17  LATIN_AMERICA                                 BAHAMAS
## 18           ASIA                                 BAHRAIN
## 19           ASIA                              BANGLADESH
## 20  LATIN_AMERICA                                BARBADOS
## 21         EUROPE                                 BELARUS
## 22         EUROPE                                 BELGIUM
## 23  LATIN_AMERICA                                  BELIZE
## 24         AFRICA                                   BENIN
## 25  LATIN_AMERICA                                 BERMUDA
## 26           ASIA                                  BHUTAN
## 27  LATIN_AMERICA                                 BOLIVIA
## 29         EUROPE                      BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA
## 30         AFRICA                                BOTSWANA
## 31     ANTARCTICA                           BOUVET_ISLAND
## 32  LATIN_AMERICA                                  BRAZIL
## 34           ASIA                       BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM
## 35         EUROPE                                BULGARIA
## 36         AFRICA                            BURKINA_FASO
## 37         AFRICA                                 BURUNDI
## 38           ASIA                                CAMBODIA
## 39         AFRICA                                CAMEROON
## 40  NORTH_AMERICA                                  CANADA
## 41         AFRICA                              CAPE_VERDE
## 42  LATIN_AMERICA                          CAYMAN_ISLANDS
## 43         AFRICA                CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC
## 44         AFRICA                                    CHAD
## 45  LATIN_AMERICA                                   CHILE
## 46           ASIA                                   CHINA
## 47           ASIA                        CHRISTMAS_ISLAND
## 48           ASIA                           COCOS_ISLANDS
## 49  LATIN_AMERICA                                COLOMBIA
## 50         AFRICA                                 COMOROS
## 51         AFRICA               CONGO_DEMOCRATIC_REPUBLIC
## 52         AFRICA                                   CONGO
## 53        OCEANIA                            COOK_ISLANDS
## 54  LATIN_AMERICA                              COSTA_RICA
## 55         AFRICA                            CÔTE_DIVOIRE
## 56         EUROPE                                 CROATIA
## 57  LATIN_AMERICA                                    CUBA
## 58  LATIN_AMERICA                                 CURAÇAO
## 59         EUROPE                                  CYPRUS
## 60         EUROPE                          CZECH_REPUBLIC
## 61         EUROPE                                 DENMARK
## 62         AFRICA                                DJIBOUTI
## 63  LATIN_AMERICA                                DOMINICA
## 64  LATIN_AMERICA                      DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC
## 65  LATIN_AMERICA                                 ECUADOR
## 66         AFRICA                                   EGYPT
## 67  LATIN_AMERICA                             EL_SALVADOR
## 68         AFRICA                       EQUATORIAL_GUINEA
## 69         AFRICA                                 ERITREA
## 70         EUROPE                                 ESTONIA
## 71         AFRICA                                ETHIOPIA
## 72  LATIN_AMERICA                        FALKLAND_ISLANDS
## 73         EUROPE                           FAROE_ISLANDS
## 74        OCEANIA                                    FIJI
## 75         EUROPE                                 FINLAND
## 76         EUROPE                                  FRANCE
## 77  LATIN_AMERICA                           FRENCH_GUIANA
## 78        OCEANIA                        FRENCH_POLYNESIA
## 80         AFRICA                                   GABON
## 81         AFRICA                                  GAMBIA
## 82         EUROPE                                 GEORGIA
## 83         EUROPE                                 GERMANY
## 84         AFRICA                                   GHANA
## 85         EUROPE                               GIBRALTAR
## 86         EUROPE                                  GREECE
## 87  NORTH_AMERICA                               GREENLAND
## 88  LATIN_AMERICA                                 GRENADA
## 89  LATIN_AMERICA                              GUADELOUPE
## 90        OCEANIA                                    GUAM
## 91  LATIN_AMERICA                               GUATEMALA
## 92         EUROPE                                GUERNSEY
## 93         AFRICA                                  GUINEA
## 94         AFRICA                           GUINEA_BISSAU
## 95  LATIN_AMERICA                                  GUYANA
## 96  LATIN_AMERICA                                   HAITI
## 97     ANTARCTICA                  HEARD_MCDONALD_ISLANDS
## 98         EUROPE                                 VATICAN
## 99  LATIN_AMERICA                                HONDURAS
## 100          ASIA                               HONG_KONG
## 101        EUROPE                                 HUNGARY
## 102        EUROPE                                 ICELAND
## 103          ASIA                                   INDIA
## 104          ASIA                               INDONESIA
## 105          ASIA                                    IRAN
## 106          ASIA                                    IRAQ
## 107        EUROPE                                 IRELAND
## 108        EUROPE                             ISLE_OF_MAN
## 109        EUROPE                                  ISRAEL
## 110        EUROPE                                   ITALY
## 111 LATIN_AMERICA                                 JAMAICA
## 112          ASIA                                   JAPAN
## 113        EUROPE                                  JERSEY
## 114          ASIA                                  JORDAN
## 115        EUROPE                              KAZAKHSTAN
## 116        AFRICA                                   KENYA
## 117       OCEANIA                                KIRIBATI
## 118          ASIA                             KOREA_NORTH
## 119          ASIA                             KOREA_SOUTH
## 120          ASIA                                  KUWAIT
## 121        EUROPE                              KYRGYZSTAN
## 122          ASIA                                     LAO
## 123        EUROPE                                  LATVIA
## 124          ASIA                                 LEBANON
## 125        AFRICA                                 LESOTHO
## 126        AFRICA                                 LIBERIA
## 127        AFRICA                                   LIBYA
## 128        EUROPE                           LIECHTENSTEIN
## 129        EUROPE                               LITHUANIA
## 130        EUROPE                              LUXEMBOURG
## 131          ASIA                                   MACAO
## 132        EUROPE                               MACEDONIA
## 133        AFRICA                              MADAGASCAR
## 134        AFRICA                                  MALAWI
## 135          ASIA                                MALAYSIA
## 136          ASIA                                MALDIVES
## 137        AFRICA                                    MALI
## 138        EUROPE                                   MALTA
## 139       OCEANIA                        MARSHALL_ISLANDS
## 140 LATIN_AMERICA                              MARTINIQUE
## 141        AFRICA                              MAURITANIA
## 142        AFRICA                               MAURITIUS
## 143        AFRICA                                 MAYOTTE
## 144 LATIN_AMERICA                                  MEXICO
## 145       OCEANIA                              MICRONESIA
## 146        EUROPE                                 MOLDOVA
## 147        EUROPE                                  MONACO
## 148          ASIA                                MONGOLIA
## 149        EUROPE                              MONTENEGRO
## 150 LATIN_AMERICA                              MONTSERRAT
## 151        AFRICA                                 MOROCCO
## 152        AFRICA                              MOZAMBIQUE
## 153          ASIA                                 MYANMAR
## 154        AFRICA                                 NAMIBIA
## 155       OCEANIA                                   NAURU
## 156          ASIA                                   NEPAL
## 157        EUROPE                             NETHERLANDS
## 158       OCEANIA                           NEW_CALEDONIA
## 159       OCEANIA                             NEW_ZEALAND
## 160 LATIN_AMERICA                               NICARAGUA
## 161        AFRICA                                   NIGER
## 162        AFRICA                                 NIGERIA
## 163       OCEANIA                                    NIUE
## 164       OCEANIA                          NORFOLK_ISLAND
## 165       OCEANIA                NORTHERN_MARIANA_ISLANDS
## 166        EUROPE                                  NORWAY
## 167          ASIA                                    OMAN
## 168          ASIA                                PAKISTAN
## 169       OCEANIA                                   PALAU
## 170          ASIA                   PALESTINIAN_TERRITORY
## 171 LATIN_AMERICA                                  PANAMA
## 172       OCEANIA                        PAPUA_NEW_GUINEA
## 173 LATIN_AMERICA                                PARAGUAY
## 174 LATIN_AMERICA                                    PERU
## 175          ASIA                             PHILIPPINES
## 176       OCEANIA                                PITCAIRN
## 177        EUROPE                                  POLAND
## 178        EUROPE                                PORTUGAL
## 179 LATIN_AMERICA                             PUERTO_RICO
## 180          ASIA                                   QATAR
## 181        AFRICA                                 RÉUNION
## 182        EUROPE                                 ROMANIA
## 183        EUROPE                      RUSSIAN_FEDERATION
## 184        AFRICA                                  RWANDA
## 185 LATIN_AMERICA                        SAINT_BARTHÉLEMY
## 187 LATIN_AMERICA                       SAINT_KITTS_NEVIS
## 188 LATIN_AMERICA                             SAINT_LUCIA
## 189 LATIN_AMERICA                     SAINT_MARTIN_FRENCH
## 192       OCEANIA                                   SAMOA
## 193        EUROPE                              SAN_MARINO
## 194        AFRICA                       SAO_TOME_PRINCIPE
## 195          ASIA                            SAUDI_ARABIA
## 196        AFRICA                                 SENEGAL
## 197        EUROPE                                  SERBIA
## 198        AFRICA                              SEYCHELLES
## 199        AFRICA                            SIERRA_LEONE
## 200          ASIA                               SINGAPORE
## 201 LATIN_AMERICA                            SINT_MAARTEN
## 202        EUROPE                                SLOVAKIA
## 203        EUROPE                                SLOVENIA
## 204       OCEANIA                         SOLOMON_ISLANDS
## 205        AFRICA                                 SOMALIA
## 206        AFRICA                            SOUTH_AFRICA
## 208        AFRICA                             SOUTH_SUDAN
## 209        EUROPE                                   SPAIN
## 210          ASIA                               SRI_LANKA
## 211        AFRICA                                   SUDAN
## 212 LATIN_AMERICA                                SURINAME
## 213        EUROPE                      SVALBARD_JAN_MAYEN
## 214        AFRICA                               SWAZILAND
## 215        EUROPE                                  SWEDEN
## 216        EUROPE                             SWITZERLAND
## 217          ASIA                                   SYRIA
## 218          ASIA                                  TAIWAN
## 219        EUROPE                              TAJIKISTAN
## 220        AFRICA                                TANZANIA
## 221          ASIA                                THAILAND
## 222          ASIA                             TIMOR_LESTE
## 223        AFRICA                                    TOGO
## 224       OCEANIA                                 TOKELAU
## 225       OCEANIA                                   TONGA
## 226 LATIN_AMERICA                         TRINIDAD_TOBAGO
## 227        AFRICA                                 TUNISIA
## 228        EUROPE                                  TURKEY
## 229        EUROPE                            TURKMENISTAN
## 230 LATIN_AMERICA                    TURKS_CAICOS_ISLANDS
## 231       OCEANIA                                  TUVALU
## 232        AFRICA                                  UGANDA
## 233        EUROPE                                 UKRAINE
## 234          ASIA                    UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES
## 235        EUROPE                          UNITED_KINGDOM
## 236 NORTH_AMERICA                           UNITED_STATES
## 238 LATIN_AMERICA                                 URUGUAY
## 239        EUROPE                              UZBEKISTAN
## 240       OCEANIA                                 VANUATU
## 241 LATIN_AMERICA                               VENEZUELA
## 242          ASIA                                 VIETNAM
## 244 LATIN_AMERICA                          VIRGIN_ISLANDS
## 245       OCEANIA                           WALLIS_FUTUNA
## 246        AFRICA                          WESTERN_SAHARA
## 247          ASIA                                   YEMEN
## 248        AFRICA                                  ZAMBIA
## 249        AFRICA                                ZIMBABWE
gbif_example <- httr::GET(',1999&country=US')

jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(gbif_example, "text"))
## No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
## $offset
## [1] 0
## $limit
## [1] 20
## $endOfRecords
## [1] FALSE
## $count
## [1] 6650798
## $results
##         key                           datasetKey
## 1  15140753 85685a84-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a
## 2  15140757 85685a84-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a
## 3  34593294 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 4  34815390 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 5  35071275 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 6  35091290 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 7  35573844 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 8  35586154 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 9  35589638 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 10 35623021 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 11 35953390 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 12 36028735 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 13 36074249 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 14 36177253 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 15 36179001 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 16 36504748 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 17 36765490 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 18 36847777 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 19 36889299 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
## 20 37179686 b929f23d-290f-4e85-8f17-764c55b3b284
##                        publishingOrgKey                          networkKeys
## 1  57254bd0-8256-11d8-b7ed-b8a03c50a862 17abcf75-2f1e-46dd-bf75-a5b21dd02655
## 2  57254bd0-8256-11d8-b7ed-b8a03c50a862 17abcf75-2f1e-46dd-bf75-a5b21dd02655
## 3  90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 4  90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 5  90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 6  90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 7  90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 8  90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 9  90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 10 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 11 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 12 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 13 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 14 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 15 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 16 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 17 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 18 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 19 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
## 20 90cc71b0-055b-11d8-b84e-b8a03c50a862 99d66b6c-9087-452f-a9d4-f15f2c2d0e7e
##                         installationKey publishingCountry    protocol
## 1  60454014-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a                DE     BIOCASE
## 2  60454014-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a                DE     BIOCASE
## 3  a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 4  a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 5  a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 6  a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 7  a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 8  a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 9  a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 10 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 11 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 12 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 13 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 14 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 15 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 16 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 17 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 18 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 19 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
## 20 a957a663-2f17-415f-b1c8-5cf6398df8ed                US DWC_ARCHIVE
##                      lastCrawled                    lastParsed crawlId
## 1  2022-10-11T21:09:52.530+00:00 2022-10-11T21:16:32.173+00:00     163
## 2  2022-10-11T21:09:52.530+00:00 2022-10-11T21:16:32.174+00:00     163
## 3  2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:13.216+00:00     243
## 4  2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:06.501+00:00     243
## 5  2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:12.115+00:00     243
## 6  2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:13.662+00:00     243
## 7  2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:09.660+00:00     243
## 8  2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:12.200+00:00     243
## 9  2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:03.328+00:00     243
## 10 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:11.399+00:00     243
## 11 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:09.368+00:00     243
## 12 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:12.880+00:00     243
## 13 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:14.276+00:00     243
## 14 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:11.545+00:00     243
## 15 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:11.628+00:00     243
## 16 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:11.266+00:00     243
## 17 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:02.532+00:00     243
## 18 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:10.199+00:00     243
## 19 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:04.332+00:00     243
## 20 2022-04-20T02:42:46.709+00:00 2022-09-09T02:30:10.054+00:00     243
##                  hostingOrganizationKey      basisOfRecord occurrenceStatus
## 1  57254bd0-8256-11d8-b7ed-b8a03c50a862 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 2  57254bd0-8256-11d8-b7ed-b8a03c50a862 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 3  2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 4  2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 5  2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 6  2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 7  2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 8  2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 9  2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 10 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 11 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 12 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 13 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 14 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 15 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 16 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 17 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 18 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 19 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
## 20 2053a639-84c3-4be5-b8bc-96b6d88a976c PRESERVED_SPECIMEN          PRESENT
##    taxonKey kingdomKey
## 1         0          0
## 2         0          0
## 3   2979014          6
## 4   2685008          6
## 5   5288819          6
## 6   5407100          6
## 7   5415104          6
## 8   2705848          6
## 9   7323035          6
## 10  2985943          6
## 11  3818122          6
## 12  2925396          6
## 13  3033943          6
## 14  3025572          6
## 15  3025707          6
## 16  5289938          6
## 17  2945830          6
## 18  5361914          6
## 19  2769796          6
## 20  6712760          6
##                                                             scientificName
## 1                                                           incertae sedis
## 2                                                           incertae sedis
## 3                                   Acacia podalyriifolia A.Cunn. ex G.Don
## 4                                                          Agathis Salisb.
## 5                                                Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
## 6                                                         Annona glabra L.
## 7                                                     Bontia daphnoides L.
## 8                                     Urochloa mutica (Forssk.) T.Q.Nguyen
## 9                            Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) R.Br.
## 10                                 Kalanchoe tubiflora (Harv.) Raym.-Hamet
## 11                                                  Chirita moonii Gardner
## 12                                                Citharexylum spinosum L.
## 13                                           Cocculus orbiculatus (L.) DC.
## 14                                            Cotoneaster pannosus Franch.
## 15                                          Cotoneaster harrovianus Wilson
## 16                                   Digitaria insularis (L.) Mez ex Ekman
## 17                                                            Erythrina L.
## 18                                                   Ficus drupacea Thunb.
## 19                                              Furcraea foetida (L.) Haw.
## 20 Hibiscus campylosiphon var. glabrescens (Warb. ex Perkins) Borss.Waalk.
##           kingdom taxonRank year month day           eventDate typeStatus
## 1  incertae sedis   KINGDOM 1999     1   1 1999-01-01T00:00:00   PARATYPE
## 2  incertae sedis   KINGDOM 1999     1   1 1999-01-01T00:00:00   PARATYPE
## 3         Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1   7 1999-01-07T00:00:00       <NA>
## 4         Plantae     GENUS 1999     1  13 1999-01-13T00:00:00       <NA>
## 5         Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  13 1999-01-13T00:00:00       <NA>
## 6         Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  12 1999-01-12T00:00:00       <NA>
## 7         Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1   2 1999-01-02T00:00:00       <NA>
## 8         Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1   9 1999-01-09T00:00:00       <NA>
## 9         Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  12 1999-01-12T00:00:00       <NA>
## 10        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  13 1999-01-13T00:00:00       <NA>
## 11        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  26 1999-01-26T00:00:00       <NA>
## 12        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1   5 1999-01-05T00:00:00       <NA>
## 13        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  12 1999-01-12T00:00:00       <NA>
## 14        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1   7 1999-01-07T00:00:00       <NA>
## 15        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1   7 1999-01-07T00:00:00       <NA>
## 16        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  13 1999-01-13T00:00:00       <NA>
## 17        Plantae     GENUS 1999     1  12 1999-01-12T00:00:00       <NA>
## 18        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  12 1999-01-12T00:00:00       <NA>
## 19        Plantae   SPECIES 1999     1  14 1999-01-14T00:00:00       <NA>
## 20        Plantae   VARIETY 1999     1  12 1999-01-12T00:00:00       <NA>
##                                                                             typifiedName
## 1  Cryptoperidinopsis brodyi Steid., Landsberg, P. L. Mason, Vogelbein, Tester & Litaker
## 2  Cryptoperidinopsis brodyi Steid., Landsberg, P. L. Mason, Vogelbein, Tester & Litaker
## 3                                                                                   <NA>
## 4                                                                                   <NA>
## 5                                                                                   <NA>
## 6                                                                                   <NA>
## 7                                                                                   <NA>
## 8                                                                                   <NA>
## 9                                                                                   <NA>
## 10                                                                                  <NA>
## 11                                                                                  <NA>
## 12                                                                                  <NA>
## 13                                                                                  <NA>
## 14                                                                                  <NA>
## 15                                                                                  <NA>
## 16                                                                                  <NA>
## 17                                                                                  <NA>
## 18                                                                                  <NA>
## 19                                                                                  <NA>
## 20                                                                                  <NA>
##                                                                                              issues
## 1                                                          TAXON_MATCH_NONE, INSTITUTION_MATCH_NONE
## 2                                                          TAXON_MATCH_NONE, INSTITUTION_MATCH_NONE
## 11                                                  INSTITUTION_MATCH_FUZZY, COLLECTION_MATCH_FUZZY
##                  lastInterpreted
## 1  2022-10-11T21:16:32.173+00:00
## 2  2022-10-11T21:16:32.174+00:00
## 3  2022-09-09T02:30:13.216+00:00
## 4  2022-09-09T02:30:06.501+00:00
## 5  2022-09-09T02:30:12.115+00:00
## 6  2022-09-09T02:30:13.662+00:00
## 7  2022-09-09T02:30:09.660+00:00
## 8  2022-09-09T02:30:12.200+00:00
## 9  2022-09-09T02:30:03.328+00:00
## 10 2022-09-09T02:30:11.399+00:00
## 11 2022-09-09T02:30:09.368+00:00
## 12 2022-09-09T02:30:12.880+00:00
## 13 2022-09-09T02:30:14.276+00:00
## 14 2022-09-09T02:30:11.545+00:00
## 15 2022-09-09T02:30:11.628+00:00
## 16 2022-09-09T02:30:11.266+00:00
## 17 2022-09-09T02:30:02.532+00:00
## 18 2022-09-09T02:30:10.199+00:00
## 19 2022-09-09T02:30:04.332+00:00
## 20 2022-09-09T02:30:10.054+00:00
##                                                       license identifiers media
## 1        NULL  NULL
## 2        NULL  NULL
## 3        NULL  NULL
## 4        NULL  NULL
## 5        NULL  NULL
## 6        NULL  NULL
## 7        NULL  NULL
## 8        NULL  NULL
## 9        NULL  NULL
## 10        NULL  NULL
## 11        NULL  NULL
## 12        NULL  NULL
## 13        NULL  NULL
## 14        NULL  NULL
## 15        NULL  NULL
## 16        NULL  NULL
## 17        NULL  NULL
## 18        NULL  NULL
## 19        NULL  NULL
## 20        NULL  NULL
##    facts relations gadm.level0.gid gadm.level1.gid
## 1   NULL      NULL            <NA>             <NA>            <NA>
## 2   NULL      NULL            <NA>             <NA>            <NA>
## 3   NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 4   NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 5   NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 6   NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 7   NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 8   NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 9   NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 10  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 11  NULL      NULL            <NA>             <NA>            <NA>
## 12  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 13  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 14  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 15  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 16  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 17  NULL      NULL            <NA>             <NA>            <NA>
## 18  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 19  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## 20  NULL      NULL             USA    United States        USA.12_1
## gadm.level2.gid isInCluster countryCode
## 1              <NA>            <NA>             <NA>       FALSE          US
## 2              <NA>            <NA>             <NA>       FALSE          US
## 3            Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 4            Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 5            Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 6            Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 7            Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 8            Hawaii      USA.12.2_1         Honolulu       FALSE          US
## 9            Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 10           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 11             <NA>            <NA>             <NA>       FALSE          US
## 12           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 13           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 14           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 15           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 16           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 17             <NA>            <NA>             <NA>       FALSE          US
## 18           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 19           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
## 20           Hawaii      USA.12.5_1             Maui       FALSE          US
##    recordedByIDs identifiedByIDs                  country catalogNumber
## 1           NULL            NULL United States of America          6612
## 2           NULL            NULL United States of America          6613
## 3           NULL            NULL United States of America        661863
## 4           NULL            NULL United States of America        660353
## 5           NULL            NULL United States of America        660354
## 6           NULL            NULL United States of America        660358
## 7           NULL            NULL United States of America        661856
## 8           NULL            NULL United States of America        660363
## 9           NULL            NULL United States of America        660361
## 10          NULL            NULL United States of America        660351
## 11          NULL            NULL United States of America        666261
## 12          NULL            NULL United States of America        661850
## 13          NULL            NULL United States of America        660357
## 14          NULL            NULL United States of America        661874
## 15          NULL            NULL United States of America        661875
## 16          NULL            NULL United States of America        660355
## 17          NULL            NULL United States of America        637088
## 18          NULL            NULL United States of America        660359
## 19          NULL            NULL United States of America        660349
## 20          NULL            NULL United States of America        660360
##    institutionCode
## 1             BGBM
## 2             BGBM
## 3             BPBM
## 4             BPBM
## 5             BPBM
## 6             BPBM
## 7             BPBM
## 8             BPBM
## 9             BPBM
## 10            BPBM
## 11            BPBM
## 12            BPBM
## 13            BPBM
## 14            BPBM
## 15            BPBM
## 16            BPBM
## 17            BPBM
## 18            BPBM
## 19            BPBM
## 20            BPBM
##                                                                                        locality
## 1                                               Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, USA (1999)
## 2                                               Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, USA (1999)
## 3                             East Maui, Kula, in garden at 280 Waipoli Road, on W side of road
## 4                                                            W Maui Mountain, Maunalei Arboreum
## 5                                                         W Maui, Maui Land & Pineapple Company
## 6                                                     W Maui, West Maui Mt., Maunalei Arboretum
## 7                                                              W Maui, Kapalua, Fleming's Beach
## 8                                                     4050 Tantalus Drive at Puu Ohia trailhead
## 9                                                      W Maui, West Maui Mt. Maunalei Arboretum
## 10                                            W Maui, S of Napili Honokowai, S of Kahana Stream
## 11                Koloa District, NTBG in Lawai Valley, pump 6, nursery area (world collection)
## 12 East Maui, Makawao District, Kula, at intersection of Puanani and Kekaulike Ave. (Puiehuiki)
## 13                              S of Honokahua Bay, 0.25 km S of RT. 30, on side road. Roadside
## 14                                                               East Maui, Polipoli State Park
## 15                                                    East Maui, Polipoli State Park campground
## 16                                                        W Maui, Maui Land & Pineapple Company
## 17               Koloa Distr., Lawai Valley, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Medicinal Area
## 18                                                     W Maui, West Maui Mt. Maunalei Arboretum
## 19                                            W Maui, S of Napili Honokowai, N of Kahana Stream
## 20                                                     W Maui, West Maui Mt. Maunalei Arboretum
##     collectionCode   gbifID phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey genusKey
## 1  Algaterra Types 15140753        NA       NA       NA        NA       NA
## 2  Algaterra Types 15140757        NA       NA       NA        NA       NA
## 3             BISH 34593294   7707728      220     1370      5386  2978223
## 4             BISH 34815390   7707728      194      640      3924  2685008
## 5             BISH 35071275   7707728      196     1369      3740  2699430
## 6             BISH 35091290   7707728      220      718      9291  3155252
## 7             BISH 35573844   7707728      220      408      2390  2925376
## 8             BISH 35586154   7707728      196     1369      3073  2704067
## 9             BISH 35589638   7707728      220      941      6685  3152191
## 10            BISH 35623021   7707728      220  7219248      2406  2985928
## 11            BISH 35953390   7707728      220      408      6654  6365598
## 12            BISH 36028735   7707728      220      408      6689  7853269
## 13            BISH 36074249   7707728      220      399      2411  3033940
## 14            BISH 36177253   7707728      220      691      5015  3025563
## 15            BISH 36179001   7707728      220      691      5015  3025563
## 16            BISH 36504748   7707728      196     1369      3073  2704525
## 17            BISH 36765490   7707728      220     1370      5386  2945830
## 18            BISH 36847777   7707728      220      691      6640  2984588
## 19            BISH 36889299   7707728      196     1169      7683  2766202
## 20            BISH 37179686   7707728      220      941      6685  3152542
##    speciesKey acceptedTaxonKey
## 1          NA               NA
## 2          NA               NA
## 3     2979014          2979014
## 4          NA          2685008
## 5     5288819          5288819
## 6     5407100          5407100
## 7     5415104          5415104
## 8     2705851          2705851
## 9     7323035          7323035
## 10    2985940          2985940
## 11    8199564          8199564
## 12    2925396          2925396
## 13    3033943          3033943
## 14    3025572          3025572
## 15    3025707          3025707
## 16    5289938          5289938
## 17         NA          2945830
## 18    5361914          5361914
## 19    2769796          2769796
## 20    3938833          6712760
##                                                     acceptedScientificName
## 1                                                                     <NA>
## 2                                                                     <NA>
## 3                                   Acacia podalyriifolia A.Cunn. ex G.Don
## 4                                                          Agathis Salisb.
## 5                                                Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
## 6                                                         Annona glabra L.
## 7                                                     Bontia daphnoides L.
## 8                                        Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf
## 9                            Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) R.Br.
## 10                                     Kalanchoe delagoensis Eckl. & Zeyh.
## 11                  Henckelia moonii (Gardner) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller
## 12                                                Citharexylum spinosum L.
## 13                                           Cocculus orbiculatus (L.) DC.
## 14                                            Cotoneaster pannosus Franch.
## 15                                          Cotoneaster harrovianus Wilson
## 16                                   Digitaria insularis (L.) Mez ex Ekman
## 17                                                            Erythrina L.
## 18                                                   Ficus drupacea Thunb.
## 19                                              Furcraea foetida (L.) Haw.
## 20 Hibiscus campylosiphon var. glabrescens (Warb. ex Perkins) Borss.Waalk.
##          phylum        order           family        genus
## 1          <NA>         <NA>             <NA>         <NA>
## 2          <NA>         <NA>             <NA>         <NA>
## 3  Tracheophyta      Fabales         Fabaceae       Acacia
## 4  Tracheophyta      Pinales    Araucariaceae      Agathis
## 5  Tracheophyta       Poales     Bromeliaceae       Ananas
## 6  Tracheophyta  Magnoliales       Annonaceae       Annona
## 7  Tracheophyta     Lamiales Scrophulariaceae       Bontia
## 8  Tracheophyta       Poales          Poaceae   Brachiaria
## 9  Tracheophyta     Malvales        Malvaceae Brachychiton
## 10 Tracheophyta Saxifragales     Crassulaceae    Kalanchoe
## 11 Tracheophyta     Lamiales     Gesneriaceae    Henckelia
## 12 Tracheophyta     Lamiales      Verbenaceae Citharexylum
## 13 Tracheophyta Ranunculales   Menispermaceae     Cocculus
## 14 Tracheophyta      Rosales         Rosaceae  Cotoneaster
## 15 Tracheophyta      Rosales         Rosaceae  Cotoneaster
## 16 Tracheophyta       Poales          Poaceae    Digitaria
## 17 Tracheophyta      Fabales         Fabaceae    Erythrina
## 18 Tracheophyta      Rosales         Moraceae        Ficus
## 19 Tracheophyta  Asparagales     Asparagaceae     Furcraea
## 20 Tracheophyta     Malvales        Malvaceae     Hibiscus
##                    species  genericName specificEpithet taxonomicStatus
## 1                     <NA>         <NA>            <NA>            <NA>
## 2                     <NA>         <NA>            <NA>            <NA>
## 3    Acacia podalyriifolia       Acacia  podalyriifolia        ACCEPTED
## 4                     <NA>      Agathis            <NA>        ACCEPTED
## 5           Ananas comosus       Ananas         comosus        ACCEPTED
## 6            Annona glabra       Annona          glabra        ACCEPTED
## 7        Bontia daphnoides       Bontia      daphnoides        ACCEPTED
## 8        Brachiaria mutica     Urochloa          mutica         SYNONYM
## 9   Brachychiton populneus Brachychiton       populneus        ACCEPTED
## 10   Kalanchoe delagoensis    Kalanchoe       tubiflora         SYNONYM
## 11        Henckelia moonii      Chirita          moonii         SYNONYM
## 12   Citharexylum spinosum Citharexylum        spinosum        ACCEPTED
## 13    Cocculus orbiculatus     Cocculus     orbiculatus        ACCEPTED
## 14    Cotoneaster pannosus  Cotoneaster        pannosus        ACCEPTED
## 15 Cotoneaster harrovianus  Cotoneaster     harrovianus        ACCEPTED
## 16     Digitaria insularis    Digitaria       insularis        ACCEPTED
## 17                    <NA>    Erythrina            <NA>        ACCEPTED
## 18          Ficus drupacea        Ficus        drupacea        ACCEPTED
## 19        Furcraea foetida     Furcraea         foetida        ACCEPTED
## 20  Hibiscus campylosiphon     Hibiscus   campylosiphon        ACCEPTED
##    iucnRedListCategory decimalLongitude decimalLatitude stateProvince
## 1                 <NA>               NA              NA          <NA>
## 2                 <NA>               NA              NA          <NA>
## 3                   LC         -156.317         20.7333        Hawaii
## 4                   NE         -156.617         20.9667        Hawaii
## 5                   NE         -156.617         21.0000        Hawaii
## 6                   LC         -156.617         20.9667        Hawaii
## 7                   NE         -156.650         21.0000        Hawaii
## 8                   LC         -157.800         21.3167        Hawaii
## 9                   NE         -156.617         20.9667        Hawaii
## 10                  NE         -156.667         20.9667        Hawaii
## 11                  NE               NA              NA        Hawaii
## 12                  LC         -156.300         20.7667        Hawaii
## 13                  NE         -156.633         21.0000        Hawaii
## 14                  NE         -156.317         20.6667        Hawaii
## 15                  NE         -156.317         20.6667        Hawaii
## 16                  LC         -156.617         21.0000        Hawaii
## 17                  NE               NA              NA        Hawaii
## 18                  LC         -156.617         20.9667        Hawaii
## 19                  NE         -156.667         20.9667        Hawaii
## 20                <NA>         -156.617         20.9667        Hawaii
##        waterBody                      modified
## 1           <NA>                          <NA>
## 2           <NA>                          <NA>
## 3  Pacific Ocean 2001-11-26T00:00:00.000+00:00
## 4  Pacific Ocean 2011-12-22T13:05:10.000+00:00
## 5  Pacific Ocean 2014-02-01T15:52:57.000+00:00
## 6  Pacific Ocean 2002-10-23T17:24:10.000+00:00
## 7  Pacific Ocean 2000-04-26T00:00:00.000+00:00
## 8  Pacific Ocean 2014-05-04T13:55:33.000+00:00
## 9  Pacific Ocean 2002-10-23T17:24:14.000+00:00
## 10 Pacific Ocean 2002-10-23T17:23:56.000+00:00
## 11 Pacific Ocean 2001-01-25T00:00:00.000+00:00
## 12 Pacific Ocean 2000-04-26T00:00:00.000+00:00
## 13 Pacific Ocean 2003-04-08T16:40:31.000+00:00
## 14 Pacific Ocean 2000-04-25T00:00:00.000+00:00
## 15 Pacific Ocean 2000-04-25T00:00:00.000+00:00
## 16 Pacific Ocean 2014-03-15T15:28:14.000+00:00
## 17 Pacific Ocean 1999-12-07T00:00:00.000+00:00
## 18 Pacific Ocean 2002-10-23T17:24:11.000+00:00
## 19 Pacific Ocean 2002-10-23T17:23:50.000+00:00
## 20 Pacific Ocean 2002-10-23T17:24:12.000+00:00
##                          institutionKey                        collectionKey
## 1                                  <NA>                                 <NA>
## 2                                  <NA>                                 <NA>
## 3  fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 4  fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 5  fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 6  fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 7  fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 8  fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 9  fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 10 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 11 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 12 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 13 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 14 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 15 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 16 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 17 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 18 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 19 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
## 20 fdee1b94-e933-4a6e-9a85-05cc39a085a6 a421a197-9584-4564-9d59-767d61a52a0c
##                                       datasetName
## 1                                            <NA>
## 2                                            <NA>
## 3  Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 4  Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 5  Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 6  Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 7  Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 8  Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 9  Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 10 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 11 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 12 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 13 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 14 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 15 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 16 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 17 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 18 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 19 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
## 20 Herbarium Pacificum Hawaiian Islands Specimens
##                                    recordedBy        identifiedBy geodeticDatum
## 1                                        <NA>                <NA>          <NA>
## 2                                        <NA>                <NA>          <NA>
## 3                         Starr, F. Martz, K.           G.P.Lewis         WGS84
## 4               Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.       Staples, G.W.         WGS84
## 5  Annable, C.R. Meidell, S.; Oppenheimer, H.         C.R.Annable         WGS84
## 6               Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.         C.R.Annable         WGS84
## 7                         Starr, F. Martz, K. G.W.Staples; G.Carr         WGS84
## 8                               Annable, C.R.   Nom. rev. C.Imada         WGS84
## 9               Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.         C.R.Annable         WGS84
## 10              Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.   Nom. rev. C.Imada         WGS84
## 11                              Lorence, D.H.       Staples, G.W.          <NA>
## 12                        Starr, F. Martz, K.       Staples, G.W.         WGS84
## 13              Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.       Staples, G.W.         WGS84
## 14                        Starr, F. Martz, K.       Staples, G.W.         WGS84
## 15                        Starr, F. Martz, K.       Staples, G.W.         WGS84
## 16 Annable, C.R. Meidell, S.; Oppenheimer, H.         C.R.Annable         WGS84
## 17                                  Flynn, T.       Staples, G.W.          <NA>
## 18              Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.         C.R.Annable         WGS84
## 19              Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.         C.R.Annable         WGS84
## 20              Annable, C.R. Oppenheimer, H.       Fryxell, P.A.         WGS84
##            class                 rightsHolder
## 1           <NA>                         <NA>
## 2           <NA>                         <NA>
## 3  Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 4      Pinopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 5     Liliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 6  Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 7  Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 8     Liliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 9  Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 10 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 11 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 12 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 13 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 14 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 15 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 16    Liliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 17 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 18 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 19    Liliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
## 20 Magnoliopsida Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
##                                                habitat           islandGroup
## 1                                                 <NA>                  <NA>
## 2                                                 <NA>                  <NA>
## 3                       Cultivated, planted near road. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 4                                                 <NA> Main Hawaiian Islands
## 5                                             In field Main Hawaiian Islands
## 6                                                 <NA> Main Hawaiian Islands
## 7                                  Planted as a hedge. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 8                       Mixed mesic introduced forest. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 9                                                 <NA> Main Hawaiian Islands
## 10                                  disturbed roadside Main Hawaiian Islands
## 11                                                <NA> Main Hawaiian Islands
## 12               Cultivated, not yet naturalized here. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 13                                            Roadside Main Hawaiian Islands
## 14       Growing in open shrubland on SE rift of Maui. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 15 Presumably planted. No signs of regeneration noted. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 16                            Weed in pineapple field. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 17 NTBG accession 900217001 (cutting from #820697001). Main Hawaiian Islands
## 18                                                <NA> Main Hawaiian Islands
## 19             Disturbed area next to pineapple field. Main Hawaiian Islands
## 20                                                <NA> Main Hawaiian Islands
##    language           type               recordNumber
## 1      <NA>           <NA>                       <NA>
## 2      <NA>           <NA>                       <NA>
## 3        en PhysicalObject Collector Number: 990107-3
## 4        en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3880
## 5        en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3879
## 6        en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3875
## 7        en PhysicalObject Collector Number: 990102-1
## 8        en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3870
## 9        en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3872
## 10       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3883
## 11       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 8393
## 12       en PhysicalObject Collector Number: 990105-3
## 13       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3876
## 14       en PhysicalObject Collector Number: 990107-6
## 15       en PhysicalObject Collector Number: 990107-8
## 16       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3878
## 17       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 5500
## 18       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3874
## 19       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3885
## 20       en PhysicalObject     Collector Number: 3873
##                              identifier
## 1                                  <NA>
## 2                                  <NA>
## 3  c916d4b6-2331-46a3-a2ae-4b0d30b623d5
## 4  dcac7bf1-4341-4769-ae5d-e89d9d3fe1a5
## 5  8d2d8252-17f6-4f2b-803b-287d596d16ab
## 6  e46d923c-b87c-46ea-9dff-ee6e5d65e28a
## 7  443cd5a4-bda1-46ba-bda6-cfd827dce066
## 8  bebe339b-118e-4950-bcab-027833ae69a1
## 9  6c12db4c-b883-4b7a-aaa3-f4a8ea0affcd
## 10 94f78e1c-a3fd-4171-beec-466225967978
## 11 13bf9f39-e621-4ba2-86f5-320fea3b827b
## 12 bac17f4d-8db8-479a-82fd-3c28891dc914
## 13 f826506e-8b17-4b8c-a4e3-59e6beaa0b18
## 14 9d2463d2-8d6a-4eb7-b5f0-9e8cbd41ff39
## 15 70291a82-d428-45cb-b9bb-c8516fac95d5
## 16 60cbbeaa-750d-4c6a-86e4-35daa832e6cb
## 17 5674097a-c292-4c8c-a36c-f8e155007099
## 18 5ea11d07-52c6-4070-baa2-463c028508c3
## 19 98bbcebb-3b80-489b-a4e2-e9b0a72b2bac
## 20 4a5921b6-6ef4-4e8d-9010-2b86c7faf880
##                                                   higherGeography
## 1                                                            <NA>
## 2                                                            <NA>
## 3  Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 4  Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 5  Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 6  Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 7  Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 8  Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 9  Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 10 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 11 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 12 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 13 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 14 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 15 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 16 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 17 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 18 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 19 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
## 20 Pacific Ocean; Northern Polynesia; USA; Main Hawaiian Islands;
##    verbatimEventDate nomenclaturalCode island endDayOfYear
## 1               <NA>              <NA>   <NA>         <NA>
## 2               <NA>              <NA>   <NA>         <NA>
## 3        07 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui            7
## 4        13 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           13
## 5        13 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           13
## 6        12 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           12
## 7        02 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui            2
## 8        09 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Oahu            9
## 9        12 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           12
## 10       13 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           13
## 11       26 Jan 1999            ICNafp  Kauai           26
## 12       05 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui            5
## 13       12 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           12
## 14       07 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui            7
## 15       07 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui            7
## 16       13 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           13
## 17       12 Jan 1999            ICNafp  Kauai           12
## 18       12 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           12
## 19       14 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           14
## 20       12 Jan 1999            ICNafp   Maui           12
##    verbatimCoordinateSystem
## 1                      <NA>
## 2                      <NA>
## 3   degrees minutes seconds
## 4   degrees minutes seconds
## 5   degrees minutes seconds
## 6   degrees minutes seconds
## 7   degrees minutes seconds
## 8   degrees minutes seconds
## 9   degrees minutes seconds
## 10  degrees minutes seconds
## 11                     <NA>
## 12  degrees minutes seconds
## 13  degrees minutes seconds
## 14  degrees minutes seconds
## 15  degrees minutes seconds
## 16  degrees minutes seconds
## 17                     <NA>
## 18  degrees minutes seconds
## 19  degrees minutes seconds
## 20  degrees minutes seconds
##                                                                                                               verbatimLocality
## 1                                                                                                                         <NA>
## 2                                                                                                                         <NA>
## 3                       [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; East Maui, Kula, in garden at 280 Waipoli Road, on west side of road]
## 4                                           [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; West Maui Mountain.  Maunalei Arboreum.]
## 5                                                    [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; Maui Land & Pineapple Company.]
## 6                                     [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; West Maui, West Maui Mt., Maunalei Arboretum.]
## 7                                                        [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; West Maui, Kapalua, Fleming's Beach]
## 8                                       [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; O`ahu; Hawai`i; 4050 Tantalus Drive at Puu Ohia trailhead.]
## 9                                      [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; West Maui, West Maui Mt. Maunalei Arboretum.]
## 10                    [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; West Maui, south of Napili Honokowai, north of Kahana Stream.]
## 11 [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Kaua`i; Hawai`i; Koloa District, NTBG in Lawai Valley, pump 6, nursery area (world collection).]
## 12                [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; East Maui, Kula, at intersection of Puanani and Kekaulike Ave. (Puiehuiki)]
## 13             [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; Maui, South of Honokahua Bay, 0.25 km south of RT. 30, on side road.]
## 14                                                            [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; East Maui, Polipoli State Park]
## 15                                                 [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; East Maui, Polipoli State Park campground]
## 16                                                   [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; Maui Land & Pineapple Company.]
## 17 [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Kaua`i; Hawai`i; Koloa Distr., Lawai Valley, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Medicinal Area]
## 18                                     [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; West Maui, West Maui Mt. Maunalei Arboretum.]
## 19                    [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; West Maui, south of Napili Honokowai, north of Kahana Stream.]
## 20                                     [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A.; Maui; Hawai`i; West Maui, West Maui Mt. Maunalei Arboretum.]
##                            occurrenceID   disposition ownerInstitutionCode
## 1                                  <NA>          <NA>                 <NA>
## 2                                  <NA>          <NA>                 <NA>
## 3  c916d4b6-2331-46a3-a2ae-4b0d30b623d5 in collection                 BPBM
## 4  dcac7bf1-4341-4769-ae5d-e89d9d3fe1a5 in collection                 BPBM
## 5  8d2d8252-17f6-4f2b-803b-287d596d16ab in collection                 BPBM
## 6  e46d923c-b87c-46ea-9dff-ee6e5d65e28a in collection                 BPBM
## 7  443cd5a4-bda1-46ba-bda6-cfd827dce066 in collection                 BPBM
## 8  bebe339b-118e-4950-bcab-027833ae69a1 in collection                 BPBM
## 9  6c12db4c-b883-4b7a-aaa3-f4a8ea0affcd in collection                 BPBM
## 10 94f78e1c-a3fd-4171-beec-466225967978 in collection                 BPBM
## 11 13bf9f39-e621-4ba2-86f5-320fea3b827b in collection                 BPBM
## 12 bac17f4d-8db8-479a-82fd-3c28891dc914 in collection                 BPBM
## 13 f826506e-8b17-4b8c-a4e3-59e6beaa0b18 in collection                 BPBM
## 14 9d2463d2-8d6a-4eb7-b5f0-9e8cbd41ff39 in collection                 BPBM
## 15 70291a82-d428-45cb-b9bb-c8516fac95d5 in collection                 BPBM
## 16 60cbbeaa-750d-4c6a-86e4-35daa832e6cb in collection                 BPBM
## 17 5674097a-c292-4c8c-a36c-f8e155007099 in collection                 BPBM
## 18 5ea11d07-52c6-4070-baa2-463c028508c3 in collection                 BPBM
## 19 98bbcebb-3b80-489b-a4e2-e9b0a72b2bac in collection                 BPBM
## 20 4a5921b6-6ef4-4e8d-9010-2b86c7faf880 in collection                 BPBM
##    startDayOfYear                                accessRights verbatimTaxonRank
## 1            <NA>                                        <NA>              <NA>
## 2            <NA>                                        <NA>              <NA>
## 3               7           Species
## 4              13             Genus
## 5              13           Species
## 6              12           Species
## 7               2           Species
## 8               9           Species
## 9              12           Species
## 10             13           Species
## 11             26           Species
## 12              5           Species
## 13             12           Species
## 14              7           Species
## 15              7           Species
## 16             13           Species
## 17             12      Nothospecies
## 18             12           Species
## 19             14           Species
## 20             12           Variety
##     otherCatalogNumbers verbatimElevation
## 1                  <NA>              <NA>
## 2                  <NA>              <NA>
## 3                  <NA>              <NA>
## 4  Barcode: BISH1011056             350 m
## 5  Barcode: BISH1034592              80 m
## 6                  <NA>             350 m
## 7                  <NA>              <NA>
## 8  Barcode: BISH1050972             500 m
## 9                  <NA>             350 m
## 10                 <NA>              <NA>
## 11                 <NA>              10 m
## 12                 <NA>           3450 ft
## 13                 <NA>              <NA>
## 14                 <NA>           6600 ft
## 15                 <NA>              <NA>
## 16 Barcode: BISH1046760              80 m
## 17                 <NA>              <NA>
## 18                 <NA>             350 m
## 19 Barcode: BISH1035431              <NA>
## 20                 <NA>             350 m
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                   occurrenceRemarks
## 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
## 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
## 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
## 4                                                                                                                                                                      Tree to 35m; bark smooth on old trees, corky on young trees.
## 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <NA>
## 6                                                                                                                                                                                        tree to 4m; fruit skin green, pulp orange.
## 7                                                                                                                                                              Looks like naio (false sandalwood) from afar. No reproduction noted.
## 8                                                                                                                                                                                                             Perennial grass to 1m
## 9                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tree to 5 m
## 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                  perennial to 1m
## 11                                    Perennial herb 1.2m ht, stems fleshy, lvs discolorous, silvery-sericeous above.  Flowers not fragrant, calyx lobes grn, corolla tube pale violet, lobes dk violet within, with yellow stripe.
## 12                                                                                                             Trees turn color at different time than trees in lower elevations (this may be elevational maximum for the species).
## 13                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vine; flowers white
## 14                                                                                                                                                           Very abundant; naturalized (confirms naturalized status in this park).
## 15                                                                                                                                                                                               Large tree overhanging campground.
## 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
## 17 Tree 6 ft tall; leaves glossy dark green above, dullpaler below; peduncle green with purplish brown overlay; pedicel pale green; calyx glossy red over pale green; corolla bright velvety red fading to wine; not setting fruit.
## 18                                                                                                                                       Tree to 20m; covers an area greater than 100 sq. meters, with many trunks and prop. roots.
## 19                                                                                                                                                                                                                             <NA>
## 20                                                                                                                                                                                    Tree to 10m; flowers white, with pink center.
##         dateIdentified infraspecificEpithet
## 1                 <NA>                 <NA>
## 2                 <NA>                 <NA>
## 3                 <NA>                 <NA>
## 4                 <NA>                 <NA>
## 5  1999-01-01T00:00:00                 <NA>
## 6  1999-01-01T00:00:00                 <NA>
## 7                 <NA>                 <NA>
## 8                 <NA>                 <NA>
## 9  1999-01-01T00:00:00                 <NA>
## 10                <NA>                 <NA>
## 11                <NA>                 <NA>
## 12                <NA>                 <NA>
## 13                <NA>                 <NA>
## 14                <NA>                 <NA>
## 15                <NA>                 <NA>
## 16 1999-01-01T00:00:00                 <NA>
## 17                <NA>                 <NA>
## 18 1999-01-01T00:00:00                 <NA>
## 19 1999-01-01T00:00:00                 <NA>
## 20 2001-01-01T00:00:00          glabrescens
## $facets
## list()

R packages that wrap APIs

Before we dive too deep into web scrapping, we should check whether the website provides API. Similarly, before we dive deep into APIs, we should check whether there is already an R package that has wrapped the API for us thus makes it much easier to get data from the website.

For the case of GBIF, we have an existing R package rgbif available. It wraps the API of GBIF and provides R functions for users that have limited knowledge about APIs. Check the webpage of rgbif to learn more.

Other similar R packages include rnoaa, rtimes, etc.

For the case of Youtube API, there is an R package called tuber.